The weather was a bit gloomy, but cool and fresh!
We were extremely lucky with the weather on this trip.
It only rained once when we were first in Amsterdam, but we were in a car.
It then rained when we were in the Naples airport.
Not bad!

Tori was extremely enthusiastic about the clean feeling of the air in Amsterdam compared to the hot humid air in the south.
I find Amsterdam to be really clean compared to most cities I have visited.
The air quality seems pretty good too. I would guess the bicycle to car ratio is a major contributor.
Wednesday: Our last full day in Europe : ( All good things must come to an end… We looked into changing our flights in attempt to keep the fun going, but it would have been mucho $$$$. I really want to visit my sister, Farin, in Romania, but I guess I’ll have to wait.

The weather was gorgeous.
We enjoyed our final day strolling around the city.
We got our favorite ice cream : ) And to enjoy the sunshine, just like our first day of the trip, we went to Vondelpark.
Our dinner with Paul, Kitty and Laurien was at a Thai restaurant located in the Red Light District.
Great food, interesting location, but hey that’s Amsterdam!
Thursday: The final day came &
Paul was nice to drive us to Schiphol Airport for our flight home.
We had been on the go for so long, that it didn’t really feel like we were going home, just moving on to another city.
Reality hit us when the flight took off for Washington.
It was a bit emotional, but at least there were a few things to look forward to when I got home: the US dollar, my Kodi Dog, mi familia, and of course, dryer sheets!

I’m not sure how I can possibly go about writing a conclusion to this trip… so, I’ll pass the torch over to Tori for that one… the English major ; )
- M

I don't think there really are words to explain what we have experienced for the past 31 days! The blog surfaces the daily life we have had & really serves as a journal to look back on years from now. What I can say is that this trip (and traveling, in general) will remain an unforgettable memory that changed us for the better. If the opportunity presents itself, you simply must
take it.
With that said, I want to thank my parents for their love & support on this journey, and instilling in me the desire to travel since I was a small child. Their enthusiasm for experiencing the world is truly a gift in itself.
I also want to thank someone who made this dream a reality for me. My goal after graduation was always to travel [somewhere] abroad, and I was blessed by my Uncle Bernard to pursue this endevour. I cannot quite explain my gratitude for this life changing experience; it brings me to tears. This was the best time of my life, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart!
- T
~though the journey may end, the memories will live on forever~